My name, Maya, comes from Mount Maya in Kobe, Japan.

The mountain is home to the "Ten-million-dollar Night View", and although my net worth hasn't quite reached ten million dollars yet, here's a little more about me so you can help achieve that goal and more. 

  • I’m a Japanese-American Associate Creative Director / Art Director

  • I was born in a slow beach town, was whipped into shape across the Pacific Ocean, learned that people actually say “Y’all” down south, and am now trying to catch subway trains that seldom come on time

  • Making Club Penguin music videos on Windows Movie Maker was the beginning of my creative career

  • I spent 5 years translating BTS’ Japanese content

  • The Purple and Yellow M&M’S signature is my handwriting

  • My great-great-grandfather invented furikake, a Japanese seasoning for rice, which means taste is ingrained in my blood

  • I try to convince myself that my cat views me as his equal, not a subordinate

  • I’m not one to decline generous donations to my retirement fund

  • My Venmo is @maya-iwata (the last 4 digits of my # is 0794)

If you'd like to talk about opportunities or want to get in touch, I'm just an email away 📬


Phone: 512-294-0794
